
GRANT'S NAME Bumiputera Exporters Development Programme
AGENCY Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)
PURPOSE To grow competitive and sustainable Bumiputera exporters
AMOUNT OF GRANT Maximum RM200,000 grant to undertake export promotions and participate in trade fairs (Matching grant)
SECTOR Open. Either merchandise or services trade
  1. Must be Bumiputera-owned companies with majority or at least 51% of equity of the company owned by Bumiputera. The Bumiputera shareholding in the company can be held by either an individual or a group of Bumiputera shareholders.
  2. The Chief Executive Officer and/or Managing Director must be a Bumiputera.
  3. Fall under the new definition of a small and medium enterprise (SME).
  4. In operation for a minimum of three years and has a certain level of market footprint/presence/share/dominance locally.
  5. Companies dealing with merchandise goods or services must have a designated business premise or manufacturing facility with a dedicated address and not a PO Box. Bumiputera-owned companies based in Sabah and Sarawak can be given special consideration for the BEDP, on the basis of diversifying regional socio-economic growth.
  6. Bumiputera companies which are involved in technology-driven, high value-added and knowledge-based industries can be given preference.

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